If you have a condition that, if left untreated, would worsen and impact your well-being then this condition may be covered, in part, by Medicare insurance.

Medicare | Santa Cruz Family Dentists

What is Medicare?

Medicare is health insurance that provides benefits for patients over the age of 65 who have a “Medical Necessity.” If you have a condition that, if left untreated, would worsen and impact your well-being then this condition may be covered, in part, by Medicare insurance. This can include major oral surgery services. There are conditions of coverage and exclusions and each patient must be evaluated individually to find out if they have a condition that meets Medical Necessity requirements.

Who can use their Medicare insurance for major dental services?

If you have Medicare insurance and a condition deemed a Medical Necessity, you may be eligible to have part of your oral surgery and dental implant treatment paid through Medicare. We have many patients who take advantage of this. There are multiple Medicare insurance plans in California and not every plan will pay for dental services. The only way to find out whether you have an eligible plan and a condition deemed Medical Necessity is to come to the office for a personal consultation.

If I’m covered what may this mean financially?

Many times these benefits have major value in lowering your out-of-pocket expenses. Medicare won’t cover all of the fees needed for treatment but with specific conditions, it’s not unusual to have 30-50% of fees paid. For some conditions, this translates to up to $20,000 for whole-mouth oral surgery and implant treatment.

How do I find out which Medicare plan I have and whether I have a condition deemed Medical Necessity?

To see if you are qualified for Medical Necessity and if you have an oral disease that will affect your long-term health and well-being, you must be seen for in-person consultation in the Santa Cruz office. This consultation cannot be done by phone.

What if you find that my Medicare plan excludes dental services?

Annually, you have the right to change Medicare plans. We will advise you on which plan to switch to so that we can get coverage for you.

How many dentists are credentialed as Medicare providers?

Only 1% of dentists in the United States are Medicare providers who are credentialed (certified) to treat Medicare patients.  To learn about our Medicare general information, please visit the Medicare.Gov website.

How many dentists in the Bay Area can help me use Medicare insurance for dental implant treatment?

Dr. Matiasevich is one of the few Bay Area dentists credentialed as a provider and who has a proven history of helping patients use their Medicare insurance under Medical Necessity provisions for dental implants.

What kinds of medical conditions are often deemed to have Medical Necessity?

Oral disease is well documented in the medical literature to worsen many other organ diseases. This includes heart disease where mouth infection can contribute to heart attack, thrombosis (blood clots) leading to stroke, and vascular and valvular infection. Mouth disease adds to the risk of pulmonary (lung) infection and can contribute to serious pneumonia. Patients with Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) are at great risk of pulmonary infections from mouth disease. Patients with diabetes are at great risk of infections in other parts of their bodies as a result of bacteria from gum disease (pyorrhea).

The mouth is the main target of diabetic infection and poor healing. Patients with Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) and other Gastrointestinal Disorders (GI) issues have many of these problems due to poor diet and not being able to choose healthy food groups for good nutrition. A recent study by the Cancer Society links colon cancer to periodontal (gum) disease and chronic infections in the mouth. If you have any of these conditions and major dental disease, you may qualify for Medical Necessity and have a portion of major dental services covered.

Do teeth play a role in general health?

Teeth in later life are essential for nutrition. Denture patients often become disabled from poor nutrition. Teeth firmly attached to dental implants give patients a better quality of life even in the late stages of life. Many patients have shared stories of a loved one who would have had a much better quality of life if they had only had better teeth to chew with to contribute to better health.

Due to all these issues, many patients with significant mouth disease may qualify for medically needed procedures that Dr. Matiasevich can perform to move them toward disease-free and functional oral health.