Put Your Dental Fears to Rest with I.V. Sedation

Preparing for a Dental Implant Procedure

Dental implants are effective solutions to tooth loss. These artificial roots are made of titanium posts, which help support dentures, bridges, and crowns. Getting a dental implant, nonetheless, may require one or more surgical procedures. With assistance from our dentist in Santa Cruz CA, you do not need to worry about preparing for a dental implant procedure.


Gather Dental and Medical Records

Presenting all required medical and dental records can help our dentist devise the most suitable treatment plan for your condition. Make sure to have previous and current medical records when you visit the office. Inform the dentist about any medical conditions, especially if you have heart problems. Do not forget to tell your dentist about any medications you are currently taking. If you have had previous dental procedures, forward your records to our office.


Get a Treatment Plan

Our dentist can develop the treatment plan for your dental implant surgery. Dr. Matiasevich may take impressions of your mouth, jaw, and face. He may also check the overall condition of your gums to determine if he can administer a bone graft. After the dental examination, discuss your options with your dentist. Make sure to know all aspects of the dental implant procedure so you can make well-informed decisions throughout the treatment.


Ask about Sedation Options

Our practice offers inhalation analgesia (nitrous oxide) and oral conscious sedation. We also offer OraVerse, an anesthetic agent that helps reverse numbness. Find out which of these sedation dentistry options may work well with your condition. Make sure to take prescribed antibiotics and pain relievers to prevent infection and discomfort, especially if you have orthopedic implants. Nonetheless, sedation may cause certain side effects like numbing or drowsiness. On the day of your surgery, ask someone to drive you to and from our office.

Dr. Matiasevich extends his expertise to help you achieve the smile you want. With our dental implants, you may experience the full benefits of having functional and attractive teeth. Schedule an appointment with our dentist in Santa Cruz CA to know more about the procedure.

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