How to Treat Gum Recession

How to Treat Gum Recession

Gum recession is caused by heavy-handed brushing, plaque build-up, ageing, gum disease, smoking, teeth grinding and tongue piercings that rub against the gums. This is a condition wherein the gums pull back from the teeth, exposing the roots and making them more sensitive. Gum recession creates gum pockets, or gaps between the teeth and the gums, where bacteria can accumulate and cause infections. This is a distressing dental issue that results in tooth loss if left untreated.

Before you can treat gum recession, you have to become aware that you have the condition. Very few people notice that their gums have begun to recede because it takes place slowly and gradually. However, a tell-tale sign of gum recession is increased tooth sensitivity. The teeth may also appear longer than they used to be, since the more of the tooth’s structure is being exposed.

Mild cases of gum recession can be treated with professional teeth cleaning. During professional teeth cleaning, your Santa Cruz dentist removes the plaque and tar along the gum line. This enables the gums to heal and return to their normal appearance. Deep cleaning also prevents bacteria from building up. Patients will also be advised to take antibiotics after treatment to help get rid of bacteria in the gum area.

Severe cases of gum recession require gum surgery. Pinhole gum rejuvenation is a new form of treatment that requires no cutting and no downtime. The recovery phase for this treatment is quicker than that of traditional gum surgery.

During pinhole gum rejuvenation, your Santa Cruz dentist treats multiple teeth within a single session. This makes it an efficient form of treatment that produces results. It’s low-risk and safe.

To minimize the incidence of gum recession, it’s important to practice proper oral hygiene. Using a soft-bristled brush and quitting smoking could also help.

Gum problems? Call 831-440-7577 to set an appointment with Dr. Robert Matiasevich, Jr., DDS right away.

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