Advantages of Permanent Dentures

Advantages of Permanent Dentures

When it comes to replacing teeth with dentures in Santa Cruz, California, you can compare two main options: removable or permanent dentures. Removable dentures are the affordable, traditional choice, but since they’re temporary, you have to replace them every five to 10 years. Permanent dentures, on the other hand, fully replace the look and function of your teeth, but often carry a more significant initial investment since they last a lifetime.

So which one is best for you? To help you decide, we’ll look at four differences between removable and permanent dentures: the convenience, the cost, the look and the feel.

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The Convenience of Permanent Dentures

Certain things are more important to people than others. Convenience, for example, might be more important to you than cost, and vice versa. When it comes to the convenience of permanent dentures, you’ll be happy to know that you can care for them like you would your natural teeth. With removable dentures, there are a variety of inconveniences like buying dental paste, making extra trips to the dental office and a higher risk of them breaking. Permanent dentures are more durable and don’t come with any of those inconveniences.

How Much Do Permanent Dentures Cost?

This is one of the first questions people ask when deciding between removable and permanent dentures. The answer is kind of tricky, as it depends on your unique circumstances and the complexity of your procedure. Removable dentures are often more affordable at first, but you’ll have to replace them and they might end up costing more in the long run. Permanent implant dentures may be more expensive, but they last a lifetime and usually end up being a smart investment.

The Look of Permanent Dentures

There’s definitely a distinct difference in the look of permanent and removable dentures. That’s because removable dentures simply aren’t designed to be worn 24/7. While removable dentures can be nice and white, they don’t quite capture the look of your natural teeth like permanent implant dentures. This is another reason why permanent dentures often cost a bit more at first.

How Do Permanent Implant Dentures Feel?

When it comes to function and feel, permanent dentures have a distinct advantage over removable dentures. Your diet isn’t limited, so you can eat whatever you want (even hard and sticky foods). Permanent dentures also don’t slip or cause sores like removable dentures.

If you’d like to know more about permanent implant dentures in Santa Cruz, CA, schedule a complimentary consultation with us today!

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