Comfortable Treatment For Chipped Teeth

I always feel better going out than I came going in because so much gets done and I just feel more comfortable.

Ed: …flip phone. I’ve never been on one of those.

Interviewer: All right. So, Ed, you were saying it’s been a couple of years since you saw us, right?

Ed: Yes.

Interviewer: You got busy, didn’t manage to make it in. We got you in today. What did we do for you?

Ed: Well, you fixed my teeth, and you gave me a good treatment program of what needs to happen in order to get myself back on track. One thing about coming here is I always feel better going out than I came going in because so much gets done and I just feel more comfortable.

Interviewer: Great.

Ed: It feels great.

Interviewer: How do your teeth look now? I know you had a chipped one. We got that done for you. How does it look?

Ed: It looks good, and it feels good.

Interviewer: All right, great. Thanks.

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