Dental Implant Bridge

I feel like I’m in the best hands in the world with Dr. Bob.

Interviewer: Barbara, tell us your experience with your implants that Dr. Bob Matiasevich just placed for you.

Barbara: I have had a very satisfying experience with my implant surgery. I have to admit that I was very frightened of having implant surgery. I had a bridge that had been in my mouth for 30 years that had to be replaced. And the only options were the implant surgery or a partial plate, which I was afraid I wouldn’t wear or wouldn’t be able to chew with.

So I decided to go with the implant surgery. The process has been relatively painless, and I’m looking forward to having teeth again. I opted for the long process. I guess there’s a short way to do these and a long way to do these, but my whole body has been healing very nicely, and I think it’s gonna be a total success when I’m finally finished.

Every step of the way has been just…it’s been easy, and I just feel like I’m in the best hands in the world with Dr. Bob.

Interviewer: Wonderful. Thank you so much for sharing that.

Barbara: Okay.

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