Carley – Santa Cruz Implant Dentistry

Dr. Bob really cares about his patients. It’s not just a job to him; he really likes to make a difference with people.

My name is Carly and I’ve worked for Dr. Bob going on five years now. I do insurance coordination here and I help patients maximize their insurance.

We had a patient who had a claim that the insurance company had denied multiple times and basically they didn’t get benefit for that and then they paid for it out of pocket. They were okay with that however I really stood behind the work that was done and thought that maybe there was a way we could get that paid for the patient so I’ve been working on that for over a year. 12 months later we got a payment for that patient in the mail last week and I got to call them and tell them that their insurance company paid money on a claim that they thought there was no hope for. That was really exciting and really rewarding.

Dr. Bob really cares about his patients. He calls them the next day to see how they’re doing and patients are floored by that every time. They call the office and say you know the doctor called me at home, and I say well yes, he just wanted to see how you were doing. Really? He called me? At home? I think that the patients really like that and then it’s really nice to know that you work for somebody who cares about people. It’s not just a job to him; he really likes to make a difference with people.

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