Oral Conscious Sedation Review

I was very comfortable…they put a blanket on me, gave me a pillow and I had music. I just remember taking the instructions from the dentist…and I remember my husband coming to get me…it seemed like it was really fast.

Interviewer: Cathy, when you first came in, you had a lot of work that needed to be done, right?

Cathy: Yes.

Interviewer: And how do you feel about coming to the dentist, or how did you feel before?

Cathy: Oh, I didn’t…I was scared to death.

Interviewer: Okay, so you get really nervous about going to the dentist?

Cathy: Yes, very anxious, and nervous, and don’t want to do it.

Interviewer: Okay. Well, I know the doctor suggested oral conscious sedation for you. And you decided to do it, so you took a pill about an hour before your procedure, correct?

Cathy: Right.

Interviewer: And how did everything go? Were you comfortable?

Cathy: I was very comfortable. I came in, and just put a blanket on me, gave me a pillow, and I had music. And I just remember taking the instructions from the dentist when he said, “Move your head,” or, “Open wide.” And I remember my husband coming to get me.

Interviewer: Okay, good, because I know that day you were actually in for a couple of hours, but did it seem to go pretty quick for you?

Cathy: Yeah, it seemed like it was pretty fast.

Interviewer: All right, fantastic. And then afterwards, once you got home, were you were pretty comfortable? Did it seem like…?

Cathy: Yeah. I just slept off the medication. And when I woke up, I felt perfectly normal.

Interviewer: All right, good. Well, thank you very much, Cathy.

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