Root Canal

It went fantastic. They did a root canal and I didn’t have any pain, or swelling. It was the smoothest, fastest operation, no waiting. It was just a great experience.

Interviewer: So, Caleb, you broke one of your front teeth when you came to us. How did everything go, getting it fixed?

Caleb: Oh, it went fantastic. They did a root canal, and I didn’t have any pain or swelling or anything. It was just like the smoothest, fastest operation. No waiting. It was just a great experience. So thank you.

Interviewer: Okay. And how do you like how the final product looks?

Caleb: It looks great. I can’t even tell. I can barely, I can’t even feel a different tooth in my mouth.

Interviewer: Okay. Great. Thanks.

Caleb: Yeah.

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