He’s just really nice and reassuring. We talked about all the procedures in detail beforehand and there were no surprises which was really nice.
Interviewer: All right. So Stephanie, when you first came to us, what were some of your concerns?
Stephanie: I had concerns of pain and noises and not being numb enough and just having my mouth ripped up because I’ve had that happen before.
Interviewer: Okay, yeah. I was about to ask you. It sounds like you had bad experiences before.
Stephanie: Yes, I had really bad dentists as a kid and as an adult before this.
Interviewer: Oh, okay. All right, gotcha. And how did Dr. Bob help you with your concerns?
Stephanie: He’s just really nice and reassuring. We talked about all the procedures in detail beforehand and how the station would work, and there were no surprises which was really nice.
Interviewer: All right. And I know you had some crowns done, you had a root canal done, and you opted to go ahead and get the conscious sedation, correct?
Stephanie: Yes.
Interviewer: Where you took a prescription pill ahead of time, about an hour before the appointment. How was the appointment itself?
Stephanie: Good. I don’t remember a ton. I remember playing with the iPod and that’s about it.
Interviewer: All right, all right. And you actually had two different days where you had long procedures done?
Stephanie: Right, and both of them went really well.
Interviewer: Okay, good. And you were numb enough?
Stephanie: Numb enough, yeah. Didn’t feel anything until later.
Interviewer: Okay, awesome. And do you think you would go through the procedure again?
Stephanie: Yes, totally.
Interviewer: All right, all right. So you definitely…something you recommend for people who are feeling kind of nervous about coming to the dentist?
Stephanie: Yes.
Interviewer: All right, awesome. Thank you.