There’s No Reason to Be Afraid

There’s No Reason to Be Afraid

There’s no reason to be afraid if you have a scheduled procedure at our clinic. Whether you’re having an All-on-Four, Teeth-in-an-Hour, or mini-implant treatment, you can take comfort in the knowledge that we offer the following services at our practice.

Relaxing Environment

One of the reasons many people are afraid of dental practices is the eerie feel they get from the clinics. It probably has something to do with the unsettling cosmetic dentistry posters, the distinct smell of disinfectant, or the intimidating dental machines.

You won’t find any of these things at our practice. You can actually look forward to watching a movie or listening to music of your choice while undergoing the procedure. If you feel uncomfortable with dental chairs, you can take comfort in our soft pillows and warm blankets to make you feel safe.

Expert Dentist and Friendly Staffers

Our very own Dr. Robert Matiasevich has extensive training and experience in his fields of specialization. He may answer all of your questions and make sure you are relaxed and ready for your procedure.

We also have a friendly and professional dental healthcare team that may address your every need. They may provide the reassurance you need and help you let go of any worries and fears. Our dental assistants are all well trained and have experience handling patients with dental phobia.

Effective Sedation Dentistry

Our practice offers IV sedation, which is administered through injection. Our very own Dr. Matiasevich is a licensed sedation dentist and he may help you make the most of this dental solution.  This may help eliminate any anxiety during your procedure.

Smile with Confidence has a relaxing environment, an expert dentist, and effective sedation dentistry techniques. If you have any question or need more professional support, call us at 831-440-7577. We can help you get rid of any anxiety and prepare for your upcoming procedure.

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